Communicating with clients when markets are volatile

We are living in interesting times. Fears about the spread of coronavirus have caused considerable volatility on global stock markets. There’s concern too about the fall in the oil price, and the possibility of an imminent recession.
Nobody knows, in the short term, where markets are headed.
It's precisely at times like this that a good financial adviser comes into their own.
Some clients — and you’ll instinctively know who they are — will be handling the turbulence just fine. For others, it will hardly have been on their radar, and they don’t need contacting at all.
But there are some people — especially those who are planning to retire within the next few years — who will want reassurance.
They may need reminding that volatility is part and parcel of equity investing, and that the investment plan you’ve already agreed with them made provision for episodes such as these.
There’s some excellent content online on how communicate with clients when markets are volatile. I can particularly recommend this from Vanguard.
Remember: the right content, targeted at the right people, at the right time, can make all the difference.
If you want to produce a professional-looking video message for your clients, why not get in touch with my colleagues at Regis Media?
We also have a range of pre-produced videos and articles that we can re-brand, which are designed to encourage clients to stay invested.
This is not an easy time for investors — and clients need your help.
Now is the perfect opportunity to show them how you can really add value.
Picture: Chris Li (via Unsplash)