What they're saying about Investing: The Evidence

Thank you to everyone who’s given feedback on Regis Media’s new documentary for RockWealth, Investing: The Evidence. I’m really pleased with how it’s been received — and not just in the UK, but all round the world.
In no particular order, here are some of the things that people have been saying:
“Investing: The Evidence is a investor-friendly presentation of the evidence that leads to the ultimate investing strategy. Investors worldwide should own a globally diversified portfolio of index funds that matches their risk capacity and this documentary drives home this point by presenting many experts from the US and the UK.”
Mark T. Hebner, Founder and CEO of Index Fund Advisors, USA
“These videos provide a clear and evidence based account of what we know and just as importantly what we don’t know, about investing for the long-term” .
Keith Cuthbertson, Professor of Finance, Cass Business Schoo, UK
“Every now and then you stumble across something that really helps you to see the truth. Investing: The Evidence sets out clearly and simply how you can capture your fair share of the returns from capitalism so you can achieve more with less.”
Jason Butler, personal finance writer, UK
“On the topic of investing Robin Powell’s new documentary is the best 45 minutes you will ever spend. With the help of clear and compelling experts Robin lays out what everyone interested in the markets must know. It will be required viewing at Vanguard!”
William McNabb, CEO of the Vanguard Group, USA
“Plenty of people would love to get unbiased investment advice. So...what if Warren Buffett and a slew of Nobel Prize winners in economics lived across the street? Wouldn't you love to ask them how to invest your money? Here's the good news: Robin Powell and the team at RockWealth explain what these experts recommend.
Andrew Hallam, bestselling financial author, Canada
“If you persist in pursuing an active management strategy after viewing this excellent documentary, it must be because you are fine with transferring a significant portion of your wealth to those ‘managing’ your money. I can think of no other reason.”
Dan Solin, investment author, USA
"This film is outstandingly good!”
Gina Miller, SCM Private, UK
"This is very good material, and very logically laid out. Saving wisely for retirement is one of the great challenges of our lifetime, yet this challenge can be made much easier if we simply embrace the evidence. What Robin has done is deliver a straight forward way to learn about, and implement, what the evidence has clearly shown to be the smartest way to invest.”
Cameron Pasmore, Portfolio Manager, PWL, Canada
“There is precious little high-quality video material to help advisers explain evidence based investing to their clients. Regis Media’s work in this field is unrivalled, and this latest series of videos delivers the message with support from some of the world’s most respected members of the finance and academic community.”
Craig Burgess, Managing Director, EBI Portfolios, UK
“The complex world of investing is confusing to many people. This plain-talking and very candid documentary helps everyday people see the big con of active fund management.”
Tina Weeks, Serenity Financial Planning, UK
“Robin Powell and Regis Media again provide a clear, concise and entertaining guide to investing. Anyone that listens and acts on this information offered by some of the top professors and finance minds around the globe will almost certainly have greater peace of mind and financial security as the result.”
Ben Brinkerhoff, Head of Partner Form Services, Consilium, New Zealand
Not been following Investing: The Evidence? The first three parts are now online:
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