An example of how to answer your client questions

In his post, They ask, you answer, Robin cited the example of Marcus Sheridan, a businessman who had saved his company in no small part due to a commitment to answering customer questions directly.
Well, here’s the series that Regis Media were inspired to create as a result. It’s called Adviser Content Clinic.
It’s a pain for most advisers to disrupt their traditional methods of working to incorporate online marketing and client education. But, if you’re ambitious in this game, this is one of the main ways you can grow your business.
In the series, each video sees a member of the Regis Media team engage with a question put to them by an adviser, and suggest an answer or solution to an issue.
You too can follow this example. By engaging with potential clients about issues like cost, the different steps in your onboarding process, and the balance of a portfolio, you could solve a problem for someone before you even meet them. And they’re going to appreciate that, maybe to the extent that they want to pick up the phone and arrange a meeting.
Transparency and exceptional client service are increasingly becoming non-negotiable for investors, and if you can give people answers, they’re more likely to come to you.