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Robin Powell






An experienced television journalist, Robin runs Regis Media, a UK-based content marketing consultancy which helps financial advice firms around the world to attract, retain and educate clients.

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Free sustainable investing event for UK advisers

Sustainable investing is coming of age. 20 years ago, it was considered a minority interest by most financial professionals. But according to Triodos Bank, it’s approaching a tipping point.

Lat year, Triodos carried out a survey of 2,020 UK investors about the role that sustainability and ethics would play in their future investment choices. More than half — 55% — of the respondents said they would like their money to support firms that contribute to making a better society and more sustainable environment.

As a result, Triodos is predicting that the UK’s sustainable investing market will grow by 173% by 2027 to reach £48bn. Although the over-55 age range will continue to account for most of the money invested sustainably, it expects the bulk of that growth to be powered by investors under the age of 35.

The growing popularity of sustainable investing presents a huge challenge, and an even bigger opportunity, to Britain’s financial advice businesses.

In conjunction with Global Systematic Investors and Resonance Social Impact Investment, I'm running a seminar in Leeds on Tuesday 9th July 2019, called The Values-Based Adviser, which is designed for advisers, investment consultants and fund trustees who want to be prepared.

Here are some of the questions we’ll be looking at:

Do investors need to pay a performance penalty for investing with their conscience?

Can a sustainable approach be combined with evidence-based factor investing?

How can we be sure that the funds we advise our clients to invest in really will make a positive difference?

What part specifically can impact investing play? And what are the options available? And

How can advisers start having conversations with clients about matching their investments with their personal values?

The keynote speaker will be Dr Jake Reynolds, Executive Director of the Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership, University of Cambridge.

Max Tennant from Ifamax Wealth Management will talk about his experience of running a values-based financial planning business.

We’ll also be hearing from Grace England from Resonance, an impact investment firm which currently has around £150m under management.

Andrew Cain will be talking about the state of play with sustainable investing in the UK.

I will be quizzing GSI's Garrett Quigley and Bernd Hanke about the many years of research they’ve done to ensure that, as well as societal and environmental benefits, their Global Sustainable Value Fund provides the highest possible financial return.

Both have many years of experience managing quantitative investment strategies — Garrett with Dimensional Fund advisors, Bernd with Goldman Sachs.

Finally, I will be talking about sustainable investing from a marketing and business development perspective, and explaining how you can use a sustainability niche to grow your businesses.

The event will rue held in the Peter Lorimer Suite at the Leeds United football stadium, Elland Road, Leeds LS11 0ES. It will run from 10am and 3pm.

The good news is that the event is entirely free of charge. The bad news is that there are only a few places left. To avoid disappointment, book straight away by following this link:


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